From your child’s first day here at Grow and Learn Childcare, they will begin to learn and explore through our hands-on learning curriculum called “The FunShine Express”.  The FunShine Express is a Delaware STARS approved learning curriculum that helps children learn though the major developmental areas.  Such areas include: social emotional, gross motor, language, cognitive skills, mathematics, social studies, art, and science. The second part of our curriculum is our assessment piece. To formally and informally assess your children’s growth and progress, we use a database system called “Teaching Strategies GOLD.”

The GOLD database is a wonderful tool used to track your children’s progress.  Informal observations are compiled by your child’s teacher and placed in the database.  Teachers then use the observations in each of the developmental areas to scale their progress using a color band system. Once the making period ends, report cards are created which outline your children’s strengths and opportunities for growth.  Conferences take place at the end of each marking period for parents to review their child’s progress with their teacher.

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